Oguzhan Bayrak

Web Developer



You could attain all projects in my Github address.These projects usually written with Java language.


Major Projects

Hospital Managment System

Created automation system for hospital management,using JavaFx technology. Java Derby Preferred for Database,also JFoenix.jar library used for Material Design.


Pitch-Booking reservation System

The project has been developed for making a reservation on football pitch. Users can check time which want to make reservation whether full or not.

Besides that, Users can check any made booking time and type of pitch and If want to delete their booking before that time,it's possible.


Barber reservation System

Reservation system was created in order not to wait in line when going to hairdresser. you could see all available time in schedule. If you might choose a time and day also If hairdresser ratify your time,reservation confirmed.



Full-Stack Web Development

Back-end : NodeJS (ExpressJS)

Front-end : Vue.JS (NuxtJS,Vuex)

Database : MongoDB,Mysql